theGROVE Talks // a speaker series: AA - Addiction + Ascension
For this talk, we will delve into the world of addiction.
What addiction is.
Where we are with it in our current society.
What its implications are.
What we can do about it.
Virtually all people in our society have some form of addiction in their lives. This talk is intended to help shed light on how this affects us individually and as a community.
In this vein, we will also explore what effects it has on the collective rising of consciousness that is currently happening on earth.
After Elijah’s lecture, we will discuss our own experiences and feelings surrounding this world. We would be honored if you would come and share your experience, strength and hope with us.
Facilitated by Elijah G // Student of the stars + mysteries of life
Suggested Sliding Scale Cash Donation // $0 - $22, day of event
Meet Elijah ::
Elijah, one of the co-founders of theGROVE, has been a student of the stars since his incarnation, always drawn to the mystery and magic of nature. That is where his true passion and calling lies - in the ingestion and sharing of this knowledge.