the forest school

A forest based preschool where
children have the time + space
to learn in nature.

a lil’ about the school::

The Forest School is a safe place where children’s curiosities are engaged and their innate love for learning is fostered. The first year of the school our curriculum will be focused on our youngest learners children ages 4-6 (older homeschool children are welcome). The forest is a classroom with no walls creating endless possibilities for hands on learning. The children are fully immersed in nature daily. They have the opportunity to be the natural scientist that is an innate trait within the child. The time children spend in nature encourages a strong relationship with the environment that leads to more sustainable approaches and behaviors as their knowledge of nature grows.

Now more than ever our children are spending more time indoors and becoming increasingly disconnected from the natural world. The school is opening to fill the need that many parents see is essential for this time, the need to be connected to nature. The school is open to our youngest learners for the first year because the time for play has been virtually robbed from childhood. Currently many emerging studies (see resources tab) have shown the importance of free play at young age for development of gross and fine motor skills, social skills and overall physical and mental health.

meet jen love leigh //
founder + educator

Jen holds a Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education, child light yoga certification and is child first aid and CPR certified. Her deep love for nature and passion to integrate that same love into our children’s education is exactly why this school exists.

“Now, more than ever, we need nature as a balancing agent.”

~ Richard Lou